by Datadog


Beyond Collection: Building Observability with Logs

Skill level


Date & Location

June 25 | 2:00 PM EDT | Room 405.2

Logs contain key details about your systems and applications that can help you understand performance and troubleshoot issues more efficiently. Knowing what to look for in logs—and where—can be difficult when you don’t have the right visibility, especially when you’re up against the clock.

With Datadog Log Management, you can collect, store, and analyze logs over a period of time from numerous sources in your systems and applications. You can surface relevant details from logs to gain key insights, and correlate logs with other observability data for faster root cause detection and issue resolution.

In this workshop, you’ll gain hands-on experience with Datadog Log Management. You’ll see how to configure and process logs to more effectively search and analyze them in Datadog, as well as create alerts and visualizations for key insights. You’ll also learn to track and manage log usage for cost efficiency.

by Datadog