by Datadog


Unified Incident Management: Accelerating Time to Resolution

Skill level


Date & Location

August 02 | 10:00 AM PDT | Room 2009

Ineffective incident management workflows can affect revenue, team morale, and development velocity. There’s nothing more stressful than siloed communication while debugging a production outage. Datadog Incident Management enables you to manage your team’s incident response workflows in a central location. Within Datadog, you’re able to declare incidents in response to alerts, investigate issues, coordinate incident response efforts, and remediate incidents, all without switching contexts or tools. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn the ins and outs of managing incidents, work through a realistic incident scenario, and learn how to effectively use Datadog’s integrations to automatically communicate incident status to your broader organization. You’ll also learn how to leverage Incident Management, dashboards, and Notebooks to automatically populate postmortems with incident artifacts, such as assigned tasks, resolution steps, and dashboard snapshots.

by Datadog