Code of Conduct

By attending the Event you agree at all times to (a) not engage in disruptive behavior or otherwise interfere with the Event or other participants’ enjoyment of the Event, (b) conduct yourself in a manner that promotes a safe and supportive learning environment; and (c) comply with all applicable laws. If Datadog believes that you will not comply with the above, then Datadog may deny you entry or require that you leave the Event and you shall not receive a refund of any fees paid, if applicable. Should you witness detrimental actions of other Event participants or have reason to believe such actions may occur, you shall promptly inform a Datadog staff member. Event attendees will have the opportunity to participate in Q&A sessions through the Event platform. Datadog will be monitoring all comments, questions or other responses submitted during a Q&A session and reserves the right to remove or modify any of your contributions, particularly with respect to any content Datadog considers to be inappropriate, profane, harassing or otherwise in violation of these Terms. If Datadog believes you breached this Code of Conduct, Datadog may prohibit you from attending future Datadog events and programs, and interacting across Datadog blogs, online forums, and social media platforms.
Please email to report any issues.