by Datadog

Breakout Session

The Beauty of a CLI and how We Scaled our Operations Software Need

Date & Location

August 03 | 3:00 PM PDT | Room 2005

As companies grow, there is often a struggle to balance developer velocity and the need to rapidly ship new features, with reliability efforts that require maintaining a healthy technical foundation. To help find a better balance, the engineering team at Betterment experimented with cross pollination by embedding two staff engineers within a product team dedicated to operations software. In this session, I’ll share more about this engineering initiative, what we learned from it, and how it led to the creation of a CLI tool that accelerates application creation and improves testability. I’ll go deep on how the “12 factor CLI” enabled us to build and deploy a new app in a matter of minutes, when before it required a breadth of legacy institutional knowledge and weeks of development. You’ll learn how you can simplify operations software development, empower product teams, and facilitate a more exciting and creative engineering environment.

by Datadog