by Datadog

Breakout Session

From COTS to SaaS: Our Journey to Improve Security Visibility and Collaboration

Date & Location

August 03 | 3:00 PM PDT | Room 2001

Our Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) has been one of the key solutions helping us gain visibility into how engineers configure resources in our environment.  Prioritized findings allow us to turn visibility into actions that raise our security posture. CSPM was also very important in enabling collaboration across the various DevOps teams. In this session we will discuss what frameworks are most important to our business and customers, what the quick wins were, and how we also added compensating controls. In order to measure progress over time we have also added integrations with key security tools that also surface metrics in dashboards so that we can track our progress over time. Attend this session to understand how to take micro-level security telemetry and consolidate it for macro level decision making.

by Datadog