by Datadog

Breakout Session

Day 2 Observability: Building Organizational Understanding

Date & Location

August 03 | 1:50 PM PDT | Room 2006

For years, testable systems have helped us optimize flow, amplify feedback and learning, and de-risk experimentation. However, this still doesn’t enhance our understanding of the health of our business transactions in production. Observability is the missing piece of the puzzle that can finally democratize the understanding of software systems across the organization. But, in many cases, observability is only embraced by the people building those systems, never crossing the chasm to a wider adoption, limiting its benefits. In this session we will cover how observability is a catalyst to empower teams (technical and non-technical) to build better software, and what it takes to go from one person advocating for observability to the whole company taking advantage of this new paradigm.

by Datadog